Faith Seekings Faith Seekings

How Do I Choose a Blog Topic?

Instead of guessing at what people want to hear from you, start y asking the question: “What do we want people to learn about?” If you look at it that way, you could pull topic ideas from relevant issues or changes, address common questions, and expound on your differentiator.

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Faith Seekings Faith Seekings

How to Fit Blogging Into Your Life

There’s paying work to do and tasks you enjoy more. Writing is one of the harder marketing activities, too. However, if you believe in the benefits of blogging, you know it helps get more paying work and tasks you enjoy. Make time with a few tricks: start by jotting down a bunch of topic ideas, schedule specific time to do it, and set digestible goals (i.e.: not chaining yourself to your desk until one is drafted, proofed and posted).

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Faith Seekings Faith Seekings

Is Blogging Really Still a Thing?

Yes, blogging is still a thing. It may now share space with vlogs, TikToks, etc., but it is still very useful. Think about the last time you did a Google search for a question – as opposed to a product or company name. Chances are, search results threw up a blog post. One reason for you to write blogs is so search results will serve up your content. Other reasons: to build credibility, explain what you do in-depth, and generate social media fodder.

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